Ecological seminar, organized by the Municipality of Gabrovo, gave rise to a meeting of experts and specialists who shared successful examples, important experience and good achievements in waste management. The event on “Good approaches in waste management. Difficulties. Advantages. Opportunities “was held on December 11, 2019. in the University Library at the Technical University – Gabrovo. It was officially opened by Tanya Hristova, Mayor of Gabrovo Municipality and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Iliya Zhelezarov, Vice Rector of Technical University of Gabrovo.
The seminar presented the successfully implemented good examples in waste management, based on the experience of Bulgarian municipalities, non-governmental organizations and businesses. Kaiser from UCO-Bulgaria Ltd..
The event was held in partnership with the Technical University – Gabrovo, Museum “House of Humor and Satire” and OP “Regional Landfill for Non-Hazardous Waste – Gabrovo”. and satire, and with the desire to make the event a tradition, the ecological seminar ended, and the organizers thank the guests and participants and look forward to new challenges.